An unfortunate reality when it comes to health is that we only tend to focus on what we can see — like our appearance. For some, the unknown is scary, and they prefer the “out of sight, out of mind” mentality. But when it comes to optimizing hormones, a simple fix can come in the form of boron.
Let’s think about things for a second. Do you ever wonder what’s going on inside your body? Sure, you can see the changes (both good and bad) to your body when you look in the mirror, but what about internal changes? Have you ever really thought about it?
This can range from your immune system taking a beating, high blood pressure that doesn’t have symptoms that could be causing damage, and not focusing on optimizing hormones, which can lead to long-term issues.
Not only that but have you thought about your bone health? Boron plays a role in many things that take place in your body and it’s such a simple supplement to implement into your routine or consume more of through your diet.
In this article, we are going to dive deeper not only into how you can focus on optimizing hormones for women and men, but also how boron plays a role in many processes within the body to improve your health.
With that all being said, let’s start unpacking things!
Disclaimer: This article is for informational purposes only and is not meant to treat or diagnose any condition. It is recommended that you speak with your doctor before starting an exercise program, making changes to your nutrition plan, or adding any new supplements to your current regimen.
Why is Optimizing Hormones Important?
It goes without saying that hormones are crucial for maintaining your overall health and well-being. Both men and women need to be optimizing hormones in order to function properly.
You can look at optimizing hormones like improving the way messages are transmitted throughout your body. These messages are important for several bodily functions, such as growth, reproduction, metabolism, mood, and energy. When the system is balanced and your hormones are normalized, everything runs like a well-tuned machine.
While optimizing hormones for women and men may differ in terms of what each hormone is capable of doing (for instance, men require more testosterone and less estrogen, whereas women require the complete opposite). But everything needs to be balanced with their respective hormones to function at the highest level possible.
Men need to focus on testosterone levels as that is what comes into play with things like muscle mass, libido, and bone density. Women, on the other hand, need to focus on estrogen levels to support reproductive health and bone strength.
Hormones can become out of whack when you don’t prioritize your health, lifestyle, nutrition, and supplementation. Sadly, many people have imbalances that stem from their poor diet and lack of exercise, causing them to be overweight or obese (about 74% of American adults are considered overweight).
Optimizing hormones is incredibly important, especially as you age, and that tends to be when things become a little skewed.
As an example, men tend to see a drop in testosterone levels and production starting around the age of 30. They can see a decrease in testosterone levels by as much as 1% every year once they hit that age. Therefore, optimizing hormones to maintain healthy levels is incredibly vital in order to age gracefully.
What Happens When Your Hormones Are Off?
How about we create a little scenario of what it would look like when your hormones are off?
You’re driving a box truck down the highway when suddenly, you hit a bump, the gate on the back of the box truck flies open, and all the orchestra instruments you were transporting went crashing onto the highway and were hit by the traffic behind you.
After cleaning it up, you tried to use those instruments at the show later that evening. As you’d imagine, the performance was pretty poor, as nothing looked or functioned properly. That’s how your body is when you are not optimizing hormones.
When you are properly optimizing hormones, the “instruments” are protected by what seems like a white glove service, and everything runs smoothly during transport and performance.
If your hormones are not balanced, you may experience some side effects, such as blood sugar levels all over the place, intense fatigue, loss of lean muscle mass, an increase in body fat, the onset of some health and reproductive issues, and even certain diseases (overall, not good things you want happening).
Men and women should pay close attention to their levels of testosterone, estrogen, progesterone, cortisol, and thyroid hormone, among others — especially as they age.
Once hormone levels are thrown off, it can create a domino effect that affects your overall health and well-being.
The key is optimizing hormones and getting them checked through proper blood work. Speak with a doctor, and they can set you up on a regular schedule to stay on top of your levels and be proactive rather than waiting and potentially needing to be reactive.
What is Boron?
Boron probably isn’t the first thing to flow off your tongue when asked what nutrients you need in your diet, and that may be a problem. Unfortunately, boron seems to be a forgotten nutrient, yet it plays a key role in your body.
While boron is found naturally in the foods we eat (fruits, vegetables, nuts, and legumes), sometimes it’s just not in high enough dosages to really move the need in terms of the benefits — like optimizing hormones.
The role of boron is to support brain function, bone health, and hormone regulation.
As it relates to hormones, boron is vital for keeping estrogen and testosterone levels in check.
Studies have shown that boron supplementation can help increase testosterone levels and support the body’s use of estrogen and testosterone.
How Can Boron Help with Optimizing Hormones?
When optimizing hormones, boron seems to help enhance the activity of enzymes responsible for converting certain precursor molecules into active forms of hormones.
To break that down into simpler terms to digest, it essentially means that adequate boron levels can support the body in efficiently producing and utilizing estrogen and testosterone, both of which are crucial for various physiological processes.
We should all pay close attention to the power of boron when optimizing hormones. By incorporating boron-rich foods into the diet or adding boron supplements into our regimen, when necessary, we can support our body’s hormonal balance and promote better health and well-being.
The Inclusion of Boron in Supplements for Optimizing Hormones
While you could take a dedicated boron supplement, why not leverage a supplement you’re already taking or looking to take — such as your pre-workout?
If you are like most people hitting the gym, you use a pre-workout to help you get the most out of your training and push your body to the limits to achieve the results you desire.
Well, why not include boron to help with optimizing hormones? If you were to look at the Nitraflex ULTRA formula, you’d notice that boron was added. We include boron in the formula to not only help with optimizing hormones, but also to support proper bone health and a whole list of other benefits.
Why not check several boxes in a single product and stretch your dollar even further by using an all-encompassing pre-workout?
Add Nitraflex ULTRA to your pre-workout routine and not only maximize your results in the gym but also focus on optimizing hormones to keep them in check and help you get the results you desire from your training much faster.